Monday, March 29, 2010

A Lovely Morning Tea & Wren Creative Evenings

Thanks to everyone for making the Wren Handmade opening celebration a wonderful success! Saturday morning was just delightful thanks to some of the lovely people I've met since having lived in this area coming along to support this new venture. It's always difficult moving to a new place, (and I have oh far too much experience when it comes to moving!) but I am constantly surprised by the generosity and kindness shown to me - sometimes by people I barely know!

Anyway, thanks to all the wonderful people who dropped in over the day to share their time, a cup of organic tea and some excellent treats :) I could easily do that every Saturday... though I don't know if I should consume quite so much chocolate next time, despite it's organic goodness. Anyway, I'd most particularly like to send big thanks out to Shane for being such an amazing help on and prior to the day - you are a legend, lovely!

And as usual, I have been completely slack with the photography side of things, (would you believe not only did I have no batteries, but I left my camera at home too?!) however, through my friend Lisa I was lucky enough to meet the wonderful Kim Arnold, who has sent me these lovely images that she took on the day - thanks Kim!

After such a tumultuous couple of weeks I am ready for a rest for the next few days, but I will be working on planning the first Wren Creative Evening for Tuesday 13th April - watch this space for details, or email your details to if you'd like to be on the mailing list.

xo Sal


  1. Hi Sal,

    My name's Cassandra and I'm a jewellery desginer in Wellington, New Zealand. Was just surfing the web and stumbled across your delightful store!
    Was just wondering if you would be interested in seeing some of my work with the hope of stocking some over there in Australia. My designs are one-off and made using primarily recycled materials so would hopefully be a good match for Wren Handmade.
    If you are interested, drop me a line at and I will be happy to send you some photos.
    Looking forward to hearing back from you


  2. Hi Cassie,

    Great - thanks for contacting me :) I will email you with details.

    Cheers, Sal



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